Since.... 1963

about us

60 Years of experience

Welcome to Malco Food Industry, where we take pride in being a leading provider of instant beverages and other food products in Malaysia, specifically in Ipoh, Perak. With a legacy spanning over 60 years, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the industry.

  • Our Commitment to Quality:

    At Malco, we believe that quality is paramount. We are dedicated to delivering products that not only tantalize your taste buds but also meet the highest standards of excellence. Our range of instant beverages, including our renowned instant chocolate drink and 3-in-1 coffee, are carefully crafted to ensure a delightful and satisfying experience with every sip.


Creating Memorable Moments:

We understand the importance of social interaction and the role it plays in our lives. That's why we strive to create spaces where people can gather, connect, and create lasting memories. Our Cafenod Coffee Houses serve as vibrant hubs, inviting patrons to come together, engage in conversations, immerse themselves in a good book, or simply savor a moment of solitude while enjoying a cup of their favorite brew.

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awesomae aroma

The coffee is brewed by first roasting the green coffee beans

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high quality

The coffee is brewed by first roasting the green coffee beans

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pure grades

The coffee is brewed by first roasting the green coffee beans

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proper roasting

The coffee is brewed by first roasting the green coffee beans